Austrian Surfing membership
There are diffrent types of Membership At Austrian Surfing 1, the 1st Austrian Surfing Club. Informations about our club you can find under structure and history.
- There are ordinary, extraordinary, community or honorary memberships
- Ordinary members pay regular membership fees
- Extraordinary members are special sponsors of AS
- Community members are part of the association’s Internet community, however, they don’t pay membership fees
- Honorary members are appointed by the association by virtue of exceptional support to the association
You become community member by free registration: Please send an email to (and note "Community member" in the "Subject" field) with the following data: First name, family name, email-adress, FULL adress, date of birth.
- You will receive the AS newsletter that keeps you informed on the latest news
- Membership is one of the pre-requisites for participation in the AS Championships and surf instructor courses
Ordinary member you become by egistration: Please send an email to (and note "Ordinary member" in the "Subject" field) with the following data: First name, family name, email-adress, FULL adress, date of birth.
And pay the membership fee of € 50.- in the beginning of the year
In addition to the above benefits (community members) you will receive:
- Discounts when participating in the AS Champs and other AS events
- Certain requests and services are only available to ordinary members
- You will be entitled to vote in the general assembly
Pay your membership fee:
Österreichischer Wellenreitverband - Austrian Surfing
Bank Austria
Rathausplatz 2
3100 St. Poelten
Kto.Nr.: 51467026415
BLZ: 12000
IBAN: AT141200051467026415