[Translate to english version:] Austrian Surfing Mitgliedschaft

Austrian Surfing membership

There are diffrent types of Membership At Austrian Surfing 1, the 1st Austrian Surfing Club. Informations about our club you can find under structure and history.

  • There are ordinary, extraordinary, community or honorary memberships
  • Ordinary members pay regular membership fees
  • Extraordinary members are special sponsors of AS
  • Community members are part of the association’s Internet community, however, they don’t pay membership fees
  • Honorary members are appointed by the association by virtue of exceptional support to the association 

You become community member by free registration: Please send an email to office@austriansurfing.at (and note "Community member" in the "Subject" field) with the following data: First name, family name, email-adress, FULL adress, date of birth.

  • You will receive the AS newsletter that keeps you informed on the latest news 
  • Membership is one of the pre-requisites for participation in the AS Championships and surf instructor courses

Ordinary member you become by egistration: Please send an email to office@austriansurfing.at (and note "Ordinary member" in the "Subject" field) with the following data: First name, family name, email-adress, FULL adress, date of birth.

And pay the membership fee of € 50.- in the beginning of the year

In addition to the above benefits (community members) you will receive:

  • Discounts when participating in the AS Champs and other AS events
  • Certain requests and services are only available to ordinary members 
  • You will be entitled to vote in the general assembly

Pay your membership fee:

Österreichischer Wellenreitverband - Austrian Surfing
Bank Austria
Rathausplatz 2
3100 St. Poelten
Kto.Nr.: 51467026415 
BLZ: 12000
IBAN: AT141200051467026415

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