Austrian Surfing Crew

Mag. Johnny Nesslinger - President

Function: President 

Home: Is where the heart is. Beautiful Austria.

Thrill: Sports, keeping our nature clean and my homeland safe.

Chill: Yoga, stretching, reading, animals, nature.

Surf related skills:

  • Uni Innsbruck: Master in Sports Science and Sports Management
  • Southern Cross Uni (AUS): Certificate of Surfing Studies


Be here now. Stand and be true.

Boris Lehner - Vice president Coaching, ISA Course Presenter

Function: Vice president - Coaching, ISA Course Presenter

Home: UK

Thrill: surf, the gym, boxing Chill: my 4-legged other half "servas"


  • surf instructor Level 2 ISA / AS
  • personal trainer
  • rescuediver/ lifesaver
  • engineer for electronics

First contact: France 2000

Trips: France, Portugal, Spain, Canaries, Morocco

Philosophy: Sweat is just weakness leaving the body

Austrian Surfing: Bring it on!

Flo Edenberger - Vice president media

Function: Vice president - media

Home: Innsbruck

Thrill: Freeskiing, Mtb. Downhill, Klettern, Surfen

Chill: Natur, Essen (viel), Reisen, mei chica,...


  • Uni Innsbruck: Master in Sports Science
  • Freeskipro / Bigmountainskier
  • Event organisation
  • Media

First contact with surfing: Canaries `98

Trips: Europe, USA, Morocco, Indonesia, Mexiko, Sri Lanka, Australia, NZ, Nicaragua, Costa Rica

Philosophy: It´s a beautiful life... live it!

Gregor Praher - Vice president contest

Function: Vice president - contest

Home: St.Pölten and Melk / Danube

Thrill: Surfing, Snowboarding, Wakeboarding, Paddeling, Swimming

Chill: Nature, friends, eating, music, daydreaming, campfire ...


  • Tourismusm academy in Krems / Danube
  • Skate/Surf/Street Shop in St. Pölten
  • Launch of an own Clothing Label
  • Organisation of Surf and Wakeboardcamps

First Contact: Hossegor (France) 1999

Trips: France, France, France, Spanien, Portugal, Italien, Kanaren

Philosophy: let nature be your teacher!

Austrian Surfing: the sea makes a man who he is... (Z&Z)

Alex Schwab - Riversurf Instructor

Function: Riversurf Instructor 

Home: Da wo ich mich wohl fühle.

Thrill: Riversurfing, Surfing, Kayaking, Schwimmen und Tauchen in Seen, Flüssen und im Meer, Kitesurfing, Foilboarding, Stand Up Paddeling, Snowkiting, Snowboarding, Skiing,...

Chill: Surfboardshapen oder andere Dinge bauen, Wandern, Lesen,...


  • Uni Wien und Salzburg: Mag. Sport Lehramt und Werkerziehung
  • VDWS Kitesurflehrer, Österr. Windsurflehrwart, Österr. Snowboardinstructor, …
  • Erfahrung als Snowboard-, Windsurf- und Riversurf-Instructor
  • Begeisterter Wildwasser-Kajakfahrer, immer wieder Helfer/Retter bei Fortgeschrittenenkursen
  • Seit 25 Jahren Riversurfer, Pionier an manchen Spots, unentgeltlicher Lehrer viele Einsteiger
  • Umbau / Tuning sowie Wartungsarbeiten an der Almwelle: Verbesserung der Welle und Durchführung aller Sicherheitsmaßnahmen
  • 30 Jahre Shapeerfahrung: Snowboards, Windsurfboards, Kiteboards, Surf- und Riversurfboards,…
  • Entwickler von Kitesurfmaterial für Neil Pryde Hongkong/Maui und JN Kites/Italy
  • Top 3 Platzierungen im Windsurf- , Kite und Snowkite World Cup, Snowkite Race Weltmeister, mehrere Siege und Top 3 Platzierungen bei Riversurfveranstaltungen, …
  • Organisator / Leiter von Contests und Ausbildungen

First contact: Ca. 1974, als mein Vater an einem an einer Schnur befestigten Holzbrett auf dem hochwasserführenden Fluss hinter unserem Haus "surfte"

Trips: da denke ich an: USA (mit dem Kajak und Riversurfboard im Gepäck 420km durch den Grand Canyon), Traun, Mur, Inn, ...

Philosophy: Ich liebe es in meinen Träumen Neues entstehen zu lassen, aber irgendwann kommt der Zeitpunkt an dem manche Träume so mächtig werden, dass ich sie einfach umsetzen muss.

Austrian Surfing: Ein perfekter Partner wenn es um die seriösen Seiten des Surfsports geht.

Peter Müller - ISA Course Presenter

Function: ISA Course Presenter 

Home: Reichertshofen (Germany), Ericeira (Portugal)

Thrill: Surfing, Climbing, Traveling

Chill: Being outdoors


  • Salesman in sports retail
  • Head coach Mellowmove Surfcamps
  • Official ISA Course Presenter
  • ISA Surf instructor Level 2
  • NARS lifeguard

First Contact: France, 2003

Trips: Fance, Spain, Portugal, Morocco, Canaries, Brazil, Nicaragua, New Zealand, Australia, Bali, Sumatra Mainland, Mentawais

Philosophy: Live your life

Austrian Surfing: I simply love this job

Björn Mombach - ISA Course Presenter

Function: ISA Course Presenter


Home: Originally from North Germany, now based in the beautiful south west of France.

Thrill: Surfing, fun sports, travelling.


  • Master degree in sports science and physical education
  • CQP educateur sportif/Fitness trainer
  • Experiential education/Ropes course trainer
  • Windsurf, Snowboard instructor
  • NARS Lifesaver
  • ISA Surfinstructor Level 2
  • physical trainer Surf Team Germany

First contact: Fuerteventura, 1995

Trips: Central America, Europe, Morocco, Canary Islands, Sri Lanka, Maldives, Indonesia, Australia.

Philosophy: Find your passion and follow it with fun and style.

Austrian Surfing: We take our mission serious.

Merlin Schönthier - ISA Course Presenter

Function: ISA Course Presenter 

Home: Bad Reichenhall, Innsbruck and the ocean

Thrill: surfing, skiing, traveling

Chill: enjoying life and nature in all facets


  • Bachelor studies Management and Economics at University of Innsbruck
  • Main initiator of "Saalachwelle in Bad Reichenhall" (project to build the biggest artificial river wave in the world)
  • Official ISA Course Presenter Level 1 and 2
  • ISA Judging Course Presenter
  • ISA Surfinstructor Level 2
  • ISA Judge
  • NARS Lifesaver

First Contact: Fuerteventura, 2004

Trips: Mostly in Europe and Indonesia. The world is big and there are plenty more surf spots to get discovered! I'm looking forward to it!

Philosophy: Enjoy the time that you can spend in the water, it is precious!

Austrian Surfing: Simply the best job ever!

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